Privacy policy

Data controller

Sensiprima Oy (”Sensiprima”,”we”,”us”)
Business ID: 2858200-6
Address: Lautamiehentie 1 C, 02770 Espoo

Name of the register

Customer data register

Contact information in matters concerning the processing of personal data

Patrik Lauhaluoma
+358 50 363 9263

Grounds for processing personal data

Personal data is processed on the basis of a contractual customer relationship or other appropriate connection, to comply with a legal obligation, a legitimate interest (marketing) or with the consent of the data subject. Consent may be withdrawn at any time.

Purpose of processing personal data

The personal data of the data subject is processed for the purpose of maintaining, managing, and developing customer relationships related to the sale of Sensirpima products and services, for analysis, statistics, and for the production, provision and development of products and services.

The customer data contained in the register can be used for the controller’s direct advertising or other direct marketing or other similar addressed mailings as well as for targeting online marketing.

Description of the categories of data subjects

The data subject has or has had a customer relationship or an application or an offer request has been made to establish a customer relationship. The data subject may also be a visitor of our website.

Retention period of personal data

We retain personal data for as long as necessary. The specific retention period is determined by the legal basis under which we process your data. The legal bases are consent, performance of a contract, legitimate interest, or compliance with a legal obligation (e.g., the Accounting Act (1336/1997). Unnecessary personal data will be anonymized or deleted. Below are examples of data retention periods:

– Data related to the execution of a contract is retained for six months from the termination of the customer relationship.

– Accounting information (documents for the accounting period, correspondence related to transactions) is retained for six years after the end of the accounting period.

Please contact us if you would like more detailed information about the retention periods regarding your personal data.

Data processed

The personal data we process may contain the following information:

  • Basic information of the data subject, such as name, telephone number, e-mail address, postal address.
  • Customer relationship management information (such as billing methods, additional information provided by the customer, purchased products and services)
  • Marketing-related information
  • Information on communications related to customer service situations
  • Other information describing customer relationship management
  • Technical information, as well as cookies sent to the data subject’s browser and related information


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small data files, which transfer from the server to the computer of the customer. You can choose in your internet browser whether you accept the use of cookies. Please note that disabling cookies significantly reduces the functionality of our web sites and services. The use of cookies must e.g. be allowed in the internet browser in order to use all the functionalities of our website. We use cookies to facilitate easier use of our website and to analyze how we can enhance our website processes. The use of cookies is not visible during your session and does not harm your computer. Please click the cookie banner on our website for more information on our use of cookies.

Rights of the data subject

The data subject has the right to prohibit Sensiprima from using personal data for direct marketing purposes. The prohibition of direct marketing can be found in the unsubscribe section at the end of the company’s customer newsletter or newsletter. Direct marketing can also be prohibited by contacting us directly.

The data subject has the right to inspect the data stored about them. The information can be obtained from the register by written request. After processing the request, the information is provided to the customer in a separately agreed manner. If you find any errors or omissions in the information, you can ask us to correct or complete the information by contacting us viua the mail address mentioned above.

In addition, the data subject has the following rights:

  • to obtain information about the processing of personal data
  • to access their own data and to inspect the personal data we process about them
  • to request the rectification of inaccurate and/or incorrect personal data and the completion of this data
  • to request the erasure of personal data
  • to withdraw consent and to object to the processing of personal data
  • to request the restriction of the processing of personal data

Any disputes are primarily resolved by negotiation with the data subject. The data subject also has the right to have the matter concerning the processing of personal data examined by a data protection authority. The contact details of the Data Protection Ombudsman are:

Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
Postal address: P.O. Box 800, 00531 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358 (0)29 566 6700
Email: tietosuoja(at)

Regular sources of information

Personal data is collected from the data subject. Personal data can also be collected and updated from the Population Information System and other similar public and private registers.

Regular disclosures of information

In accordance with current legislation, personal data is disclosed to authorities and similar entities.
Personal data may be disclosed to third parties in a contractual relationship with the data controller who:
– participate in or are related to the implementation of the services provided by the data controller to the data subject; or
– provide marketing or statistical services;

Personal data shall not be transferred outside the EU.

Data security

Good data management practices as well as a duty of care and protection in accordance with data protection legislation are observed in the processing of personal data.

The necessary technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access and against accidental or illegal destruction, alteration, disclosure, transfer, or other illegal processing are taken.

Access to personal data is only available to those persons who need to process personal data in the performance of their work duties.
Digitally stored and processed data is in databases that are protected by firewalls, passwords, and other technical means. Files in paper format are stored in locked spaces.